After performing Cantonese comedy for over a decade, Vivek is viewed as both a ‘celebrity’ and ‘role-model’ in his community. As much as this status brings a lot of perks, it also has its troubles where people expect him to be a certain way at all times.
Vivek’s adventure to find the perfect balance of stardom and staring at the mirror watching his hairline recede has brought about challenges that he both loves and hates at the same time.
This show is 100% performed in Cantonese.
Presented by:
Bohm Presents
Audience Warnings:
This show is 100% performed in Cantonese.
On the day before Valentines, you're invited to a celebration of singlehood with Brynley Stent and Kura Forrester. Open to anyone who has ever been single.
It’s Austen’s 250th birthday bonanza and you’re invited to the ball! Join Penny Ashton, Lori Dungey & Greg Ward as they improvise a musical with with song, dance and passionate hand holding.
Homegrown chanteuse Jackie Clarke (Lady Killers/When the Cat’s Been Spayed) turns her powerhouse vocals, wicked humour and maverick entertainment style to songs by the 20th & 21st Centuries most legendary divas.