
Wheel Head

An absurd romp down the cycleway of cancelled buses, avian romance and death by road cones.

Katie Burson, Beth Kayes and Irasa Siave wheel in a new physical theatre comedy.

$22 - $29 (Service fee may apply)
50 minutes
Wed 22 - Sat 25 February

A dead cyclist tries to make sense of her departure date. Everyone has their own opinion…the fix-it mayor, the tūī, the greenie. The bus is not in service, the train abandoned, the cycleway unfinished. The only witness is the bar-tailed godwit but she is busy eating worms.

An absurd romp down the cycleway of cancelled buses, avian romance and death by road cones. Toot toot, your train to transport limbo awaits.

Katie Burson, Beth Kayes and Irasa Siave return to Q Theatre with an absurd mix of clown and physical theatre. Their last show 'Get Out Of My Letterbox' enjoyed a sold-out season at Summer at Q, 2020.

"Katie Burson and Beth Kayes expertly display a love for play, for physical clowning, and for pulling on the heartstrings of their audiences."  Irene Corbett, Theatre Scenes

"Delightfully quirky comedy…a marvelous Chaplin-esque pas-de-deux…one hell of a wild ride."  Veronica McLaughlin, Arts on the 13th Floor

Creative Team: Katie Burson, Beth Kayes, Irasa Siave, Michael Goodwin and friends.

Learn more about presenting a show in Summer at Q here

Summer at Q Webpage Lockup Q Theatre