Is that my nipple hair between your teeth? You’re welcome. The wāhine of KŌPŪ weave live music, performance, poetry, and poi to share a hilariously honest and no-holds-barred account of their femininity on their own terms.
Cancellation: AAF regrets to announce that due to New Zealand moving to RED under the COVID-19 Protection Framework, Kōpū has been cancelled. Ticketholders will receive a full refund. Please check your email for further information. The current list of AAF show and event updates can be found here and AAF’s COVID-19 Ticketing Terms & Conditions here.
Is that my nipple hair between your teeth? You’re welcome.
Wahinetanga in this current climate, and the day and night duality of being fiercely everything at once, is shared by this kāhui whetū of multi-talented performers.
The wāhine of KŌPŪ weave live music, performance, poetry, and poi to share a hilariously honest and no-holds-barred account of their femininity on their own terms. Answer the call of a cheeky ballad of a show that shares the songs of young wāhine Māori as they navigate this world, hairy nipples first, in the footsteps of the naughty nannies from the kāuta.
So… kindly unpeg yourself from the patriarchy, check your white feminism at the door, and join us in a hearty musical celebration of the ira wahine within us all.
Featuring Tuakoi Ohia, Brady Peeti, Jane Leonard, Ngākirikiri Kershaw, Te Huamanuka Luiten-Apirana, and Te Arohanui Way-Korewha.
Poignant, engaging and perceptively funny, Personal is artist Jodee Mundy’s story of being CODA, which she cleverly portrays through performance, storytelling, multimedia and animation.
A darkly humorous show by Trick of the Light Theatre, Suitcase Show unpacks secrets through puppetry, shadow play, and inventive storytelling. A clever, miniature masterpiece full of intrigue and comedy.
Did you know a woman invented the tech behind WiFi—and she was also a huge movie star? This one-woman show tells Hedy Lamarr's story to inspire the next generation of scientists, especially women in STEM.