

Conceived in 2011 as a platform to liberate street dance from the constraints of competition, Out of The Box has grown into a dynamic space where choreographers express diverse identities and present their unique practices.

$20.00 - $49.00 (plus service fees)
60 minutes, no interval
19 - 20 Oct 2024

Conceived in 2011 as a platform to liberate street dance from the constraints of competition, Out of The Box has grown into a dynamic space where choreographers express diverse identities and present their unique practices. This platform has become a meeting point for stories told through street dance forms, enriched by contemporary processes and cultural influences.

This year, Out of The Box proudly brings together two of New Zealand’s most acclaimed street dance companies, Identity Dance Company (IDCO) and Projekt Team, in a landmark collaboration. This moment is full circle for both groups, who were part of the very first sold-out Out of The Box show in 2012 and have been integral to the OOB kaupapa ever since.

Identity Dance Company and Projekt Team are pillars of the New Zealand street dance landscape, known for their unwavering passion, commitment to authenticity, and bold innovation. Both companies have earned international acclaim, captivating audiences and collaborating with some of the world’s most remarkable creatives and dancers across various genres.

Projekt Team leads the way in the freestyle and battle dance communities, connecting Aotearoa with the global dance scene through international qualifiers and major street dance festivals. Their dancers proudly represent New Zealand at prestigious events like Red Bull Dance Your Style, Fusion Concept in Paris, and Summer Dance Forever.

Identity Dance Company, with numerous national and international titles, is celebrated for their dancers’ extraordinary skill, musicality, and creative complexity. Their performances, including standout showcases at World of Dance, have garnered over 15 million views worldwide, captivating audiences with their mastery of movement.

Together, Projekt and IDCO embody the spirit of Aotearoa’s diverse communities, not only through their inclusive representation but also through their fearless exploration of movement, ideas, and technology. After two decades of mutual support and growth, these two powerhouses co-present a show that fuses the best of freestyle and authentic street dance with innovative storytelling.

Join us as Out of The Box celebrates the long standing relationship between Projekt and IDCO, and their enduring impact on the New Zealand street dance landscape. This performance is more than a collaboration, it is a testament to the power of community, creativity, and the ever-evolving art of street dance.

This show is a part of Te Rerenga o Tere | Tempo Dance Festival 2024 at Q Theatre, 10 - 20 October 2024. Check out the full festival line up here.

Tempo Festival Banner 2024




Presented by:
Identity Dance Company and Projekt Team

  • Saturday 29 March, 2025

    CMNZ Series 100 Winds

    The New Zealand Dance Company, New Zealand String Quartet, and Chamber Music New Zealand have collaborated to develop a new work 100 Winds | Taupō Hau Rau, choreographed by NZDC Artistic Director Moss Te Ururangi Patterson (Ngāti Tūwharetoa).