

Fierce, feminist, and funny. Hysterical challenges the myth that women are too emotional with poetry that confronts body politics, sexism, and weeping in the supermarket.

$28 - $35 (plus service fees)
70 minutes, no interval
15-16 Nov 2024

Fierce, feminist, and funny. Women are frequently told they are too emotional - too hysterical - to be taken seriously, to be leaders of countries and companies, to be believed when pointing to their own hurt. Hysterical challenges these myths with poetry that confronts body politics, systemic sexism, and weeping uncontrollably in the supermarket. Winner of Best New Aotearoa Play at the Wellington Theatre Awards and Outstanding Performance Poetry at Auckland Fringe, Hysterical intertwines social issues and personal stories to create a performance that is both confronting and accessible, powerful and needed. Internationally acclaimed poets Carrie Rudzinski and Olivia Hall deliver powerhouse performances that will leave you feeling empowered and alive. 

“Rudzinski and Hall revel in the messy and chaotic, the ugly and exhausted. They manage to transform rage into comedy that sings with sass. Hysterical is an intimate and emotive piece that inspires a poetic outlook in us, urging us to appreciate all aspects of life, all the moments we are reminded we are alive, and all the people who make it beautiful.” - Erin O’Flaherty

Presented By:
HWS Productions 

Audience Warnings:
Contains discussion of rape culture, gendered violence, and strong language

Creative Team:
Produced, written, and performed by Carrie Rudzinski and Olivia Hall
Photography by Andi Crown

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