Come witness this portly be-speckled freak as he makes you laugh as many times as he can in sixty minutes! Anthony Crum will beguile you with his tales of shame, spicy observations, and a cavalcade of wacky characters - all from his demented brain. Come laugh so hard you pop a lung!
As seen on Kill Tony, Lord of the Rings; Rings of Power and as a bogan thief in Shortland Street.
Winner - Best Debut 2023, NZ International Comedy Festival
You obviously have good taste. Check out the full line up in the NZ International Comedy Festival with Best Foods Mayo 3-26 May 2024.
Audience Warnings:
This performance may contain colourful language, adult themes, and is recommended for ages 14+.
It’s Austen’s 250th birthday bonanza and you’re invited to the ball! Join Penny Ashton, Lori Dungey & Greg Ward as they improvise a musical with with song, dance and passionate hand holding.
After a triumphant sell-out UK tour, Ruby Wax's critically acclaimed show is touring Australia and New Zealand—don’t miss her most daring, hilarious, and unfiltered performance yet!
Living life at high voltage – Jo Randerson bares their soul, sharing the exhilaration, exhaustion, joy, and absurdity of living and parenting with neurodiversity, packed with punk poetic magic and comedy