Award-winning comedian and podcaster, Tim Batt is, like you, trying to distract himself from the big elephant in the room of being alive in 2023; Climate Collapse is about to absolutely rock our shit.
Too often this issue has been left out of comedy shows and there's a good reason for that, It's pretty bloody hard to make a human-made genocide of humans funny. But Tim is going to give it a solid go.
Hot off his Melbourne and Sydney festival runs, this will be a sensational night of sometimes-political, always organic, free-range comedy.
"Witty, relatable, and an uproariously good time" - Craccum
"It’s political and personal, cultural and thoughtful. But most of all it's funny." - Libel
2x Billy T award nominee Co-host of smash hit podcast, The Worst Idea of All Time Co-host it RNZ's 'Did Titanic Sink?' Recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award (NZ Comedy Guild) Winner - 2022 Best Comedy Podcast (for 'Socrates Walked Into A Bar')
It’s Austen’s 250th birthday bonanza and you’re invited to the ball! Join Penny Ashton, Lori Dungey & Greg Ward as they improvise a musical with with song, dance and passionate hand holding.
After a triumphant sell-out UK tour, Ruby Wax's critically acclaimed show is touring Australia and New Zealand—don’t miss her most daring, hilarious, and unfiltered performance yet!
Living life at high voltage – Jo Randerson bares their soul, sharing the exhilaration, exhaustion, joy, and absurdity of living and parenting with neurodiversity, packed with punk poetic magic and comedy