
A Tart on Tour

A Tart on Tour explores the life of a young actor busting to conquer the world but her competing quest for the ultimate good time threatens to shatter her dreams.

$25 - $29 (Service fee may apply)
60 minutes
Wed 15 - Sun 19 February


Due to the rain and wind warnings in Auckland, the team behind A Tart on Tour have made the decision to postpone their Tuesday 14 February performance. Those with tickets will be able to move these to another performance and will contacted directly - thank you for your patience while we work through what is required. 

A Tart on Tour will take the audience on a trip down memory lane from the early days of Theatre Corporate to a Girls Gotta Eat in the 90's.  Written by Paul Sonne and Andrea Kelland. 

The show includes snippets of material from the various theatre companies and runs in parallel with Andrea's own life always searching for excitement and drug-fueled parties. - The Ultimate Good Time.   The show explores friendship and ambition, risk-taking and courage, soul searching and surrender.

It's a sequel to Andrea's previous show "Random Shagger" which premiered at The Tiny Theatre at Garnet Station, Westmere for The Pride Festival in 2019. RS had the delicious Hilz King as musician and Deb Filler as co-writer and Director.

The title of the show stems from the concept of the word Tart, the connotations of the word from Shakespeare's "That which we call a Tart by any other name would taste as sweet"

As Deb Filler wrote:This show is about Tarts, gooey, juicy, jammy, caramel, custard, sticky, yummy, lemony, but bittersweet, easy peasy, slutty, slovenly, trampy, vampy, floozy, boozy, not so fussy hussy. You want a taste?  Careful how you answer that question.  This tart's not cheap. Some people think touring in theatre … so glamorous, touring in luxury buses, planes, boats and trains, to tell you the truth It was such a relief to get off that treadmill, from being sexy tart, homeless tart, gypsy tart, druggy tart, French Tart, boozy tart...Ozzie Tart…

You must be wondering why I'm doing it all again?

Audience warnings: blatant discussion of sexual abuse and drug use

Writers: Andrea Kelland and Paul Sonne.

Orignal Dramaturg: Deb Filler

Producer: Andrea Kelland

Director: Tom Sainsbury

Performer: Andrea Kelland

Learn more about presenting a show in Summer at Q here

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