Stimmung Choir: The Greatest Hits (and none of the sh*ts)
Stimmung Choir is back. Undefeated. Ready to give a gleeful, 40-voice-strong middle finger to the year that was with all the bangers from QOTSA, Radiohead, Pumpkins (and maybe more…)
If this year gave us anything, it was a bit of time to reflect. And reflect we did. On the primo times we’ve had at Q Theatre since 2016, melting faces and winning hearts. Standing on the shoulders of some giant rock albums, with a lineup of special guests that could fill a stadium (Ria Hall, Troy Kingi, Milan Borich, Laughton Kora, Esther Stephens, Ed Castelow, Michael Brown, Anji and Priya Sami, Paul Fagamalo, The UpDos, Colleen Davis, Cherie Moore - you absolute legends).
So we’re going to bring back the joy. Relieve the glory. Chase the dragon. We’re serving up all the bangers from these legendary albums:
Hail to the Thief (Radiohead)
Songs for the Deaf (Queens of the Stone Age)
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (The Smashing Pumpkins)
plus an original or two that’s close to our hearts.
Amazing special guests, plus some much-loved familiar faces.
All the hits. None of the sh*ts.
Here’s to us, here’s to you, here’s to everyone that pulled through. Come have a hell of a time with us.
Stimmung Choir
Direction: Robin Kelly Design: Filament Eleven 11 Sound: Sam Clavis
It’s Austen’s 250th birthday bonanza and you’re invited to the ball! Join Penny Ashton, Lori Dungey & Greg Ward as they improvise a musical with with song, dance and passionate hand holding.
For the first time, iconic New Zealand band stellar* will perform their Mix album in its entirety, to celebrate the chart-topping album’s 25th anniversary. Stellar* will also perform fan favourites and hits from their other albums Magic Line and Something Like Strangers, as well as a surprise or two.
Homegrown chanteuse Jackie Clarke (Lady Killers/When the Cat’s Been Spayed) turns her powerhouse vocals, wicked humour and maverick entertainment style to songs by the 20th & 21st Centuries most legendary divas.
New Zealand Dance Company, New Zealand String Quartet, and Chamber Music New Zealand have collaborated to develop a new work 100 Winds | Taupō Hau Rau, choreographed by NZDC Artistic Director Moss Te Ururangi Patterson (Ngāti Tūwharetoa).