PLEASE NOTE: This show was originally scheduled for September 2021 and is now cancelled. If you had tickets to those dates we'll be in touch with you directly. Read more about the impact of Alert Level changes here.
This year on our tour throughout Aotearoa we have experienced incredible, perhaps renewed, enthusiasm for songwriting and original music in the young musicians who have come to play. After what was a hard year for the music community in 2020, it's been heartwarming and encouraging to see such a high standard throughout the regions.
The Top 10 acts performing are: Caxixi (Manurewa High School) NF8 (Aorere College) Sixth Sense (Gisborne Girls' High School) Sounds of La Salle (De La Salle College) Stay in it (Palmerston North Girls' High School) TMB (Gisborne Boys' High School) Tū Te Akitu (Rotorua Boys' High School) Agape Tiatia (Alfriston College) Lucy Summerfield (Motueka High School) Nicole & Flo (Papatoetoe High School)
Support from:
Smokekfree - HPA Ministry of Education NZ Music Commission The Rockshop Sky City
It’s Austen’s 250th birthday bonanza and you’re invited to the ball! Join Penny Ashton, Lori Dungey & Greg Ward as they improvise a musical with with song, dance and passionate hand holding.
For the first time, iconic New Zealand band stellar* will perform their Mix album in its entirety, to celebrate the chart-topping album’s 25th anniversary. Stellar* will also perform fan favourites and hits from their other albums Magic Line and Something Like Strangers, as well as a surprise or two.
Homegrown chanteuse Jackie Clarke (Lady Killers/When the Cat’s Been Spayed) turns her powerhouse vocals, wicked humour and maverick entertainment style to songs by the 20th & 21st Centuries most legendary divas.
New Zealand Dance Company, New Zealand String Quartet, and Chamber Music New Zealand have collaborated to develop a new work 100 Winds | Taupō Hau Rau, choreographed by NZDC Artistic Director Moss Te Ururangi Patterson (Ngāti Tūwharetoa).