
Over My Dead Body: UNINVITED

The newest play in Jason Te Mete’s Over My Dead Body series, UNINVITED is provocative, funny, and heartbreakingly moving as it educates audiences about our forgotten Aotearoa HIV/AIDS history.

$25 - $30 (services fees apply)
1 hour
Wed 14 - Sat 17 April

A flat-warming party on the eve of World AIDS Day. When 3 uninvited guests turn up, the party takes a turn for the worst. But as these strangers drag the skeletons out of the closet, the flatmates discover they are more intricately connected with the past than they ever imagined.

The entire UNINVITED cast, crew and creative team are proud members of the LGBTQi+ community, as we at Tuatara Collective believe it is important that we tell our own stories.

Inspired by the NZ Memorial AIDS Quilt Project, our people who lost their battle with HIV/AIDS are acknowledged and remembered. This story is a reminder for those who were around in the 80's, and a lesson for those who weren't, to educate and inform local Rainbow communities about their own history and culture, encouraging a deeper understanding of diversity, respect for difference, connectivity and intersectional support.


Please note: The performance content contains themes of violence, death/dying, racism, transphobia and homophobia.

Producer Tuatara Collective
Director Bryony Skillington

Stage Manager: Edward Peni.
Designers Jason Te Mete, Jason Ormsby
Cast Disciple Pati, Brady Peeti, Amanda Tito, Vincent Farane, Timothy Hamilton and Lyncia Muller

Mātanga Mātauranga Māori: Tūī Matira Ranapiri-Ransfield

UNINVITED is presented with support from Auckland Council, Auckland Pride Festival and PRIDE & Spark Empowerment


This show is a part of the 2021 Auckland Pride and Summer at Q Festivals. 

University of Auckland Acknowledgement - Q Theatre