Projekt Team and Tempo are proud to present KLASH – battle of clans and rulers of circles. Aotearoa’s finest street dancers will take over Rangatira on a quest for dominance.
This show is a part of Tempo: Te Rerenga o Tere 2022. To see all Tempo shows at Q, click here. To explore the festival, click here.
Projekt Team and Tempo are proud to bring the unparalleled energy and intensity of a Street Dance battle event to Rangatira with KLASH – a 5v5 All Style Street Dance battle of clans and rulers of circles.
Aotearoa’s finest Street Dancers take over Q Theatre on a quest for dominance! Projekt Team veterans and leaders of the community will build their clans from cyphers and go head-to-head in the Rangatira battlefield in epic dance wars! Join us and feast your eyes on vibrant, raw and hyped, unrehearsed movement! Which clan captain will lead their dance warriors to victory?
A collision of movement, musicality, style and individuality will burst into the space for one explosive evening of unmatched dance viewing – don’t miss it!
Audience Notes: Contains audience interaction [audience members sign up online or on the day]. During Tempo Dance Festival, all performances may be filmed, and photographs may be taken for promotional and archival purposes.
Sponsors: Tempo: Te Rerenga o Tere is proudly presented by New Zealand Dance Festival Trust and supported by Creative New Zealand, Foundation North and Auckland Council.
New Zealand Dance Company, New Zealand String Quartet, and Chamber Music New Zealand have collaborated to develop a new work 100 Winds | Taupō Hau Rau, choreographed by NZDC Artistic Director Moss Te Ururangi Patterson (Ngāti Tūwharetoa).