This weekend’s season of HABBUK will not be going ahead as planned due to an urgent health matter of a performer. Ticket holders will be contacted directly.
Nominated for 4 New Zealand Fringe Festival awards including Best Of Fringe 2021 and Winner of Best Momentus Movement.
"HABBUK is a must-see, exceptional performance. Exquisitely entwined physical theatre."
– Audience member, Wellington March 2021
"Habbuk is a theatrical enchantment. It is a dense, considered work that would reward multiple viewings. This show is bold, bewildering, beguiling and beautiful."
- Theatreview, Wellington, March 2021
"The work was so mesmerising that I didn’t notice that I was squeezing my husband’s hand. By the end of the performance our hands were clasped in a gentle caress. It was a beautifully fleshed out work with playful physicality. It was brutally romantic."
– Audience member, Wellington, March 2021
Created by Uruguayan physical theatre company Animalismo Teatro, Habbuk is physical theatre at its best. Set to an original soundtrack with the characters speaking an invented language, Habbuk promises to ignite your senses.
Habbuk is a story of love, survival and hope. Two people must traverse a world transformed by chaos, finding shelter in the complicity of their love. They make their own world of fantasy to sidestep the more difficult circumstances, traversing a path of transformation and acceptance that will lead them to a new everyday life.
After seasons in Uruguay and Montréal, Habbuk will open its Auckland season in Rangatira on Friday 26 and Saturday 27 of March.
"Everything in our life is unlike this World, we don't belong to this place. We no longer enter through the door, nor through the window, we enter through a false wall that leads us to the tireless desire. Him and I, her and I."
Make up: Agustín Rabellino Original Music & Sound: Gonzalo Varela and Paolo Grosso Set design: Santiago Espasandin
This show is a part of the 2021 Summer at Q Festival. Thanks to the support of the University of Auckland and Q Theatre, Summer at Q has packaged rates that make our venues more accessible and simpler to budget for.
Mā is a poignant devised theatre and performance poetry work that delves into themes of chosen family, motherhood, and identity. Mā is both a tribute to the artist's own mother and a powerful expression of Aiga filifilia (Chosen Family) as central to its narrative.
A riotous comedy play with a dark twist, never before heard original songs and far too much lycra.
The smash hit solo show that dazzled London’s West End arrives for one night only
Poignant, engaging and perceptively funny, Personal is artist Jodee Mundy’s story of being CODA, which she cleverly portrays through performance, storytelling, multimedia and animation.
A darkly humorous show by Trick of the Light Theatre, Suitcase Show unpacks secrets through puppetry, shadow play, and inventive storytelling. A clever, miniature masterpiece full of intrigue and comedy.