
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover

50 Dances. 50 Minutes. 50 Way to Leave Your Lover! A fast-paced, adrenalin-fuelled comedy dance show. Bombastic dance moves to pop music, heavy metal, and everything in between.

$30 - $39 (services fees apply)
50 min


PLEASE NOTE: This show was originally scheduled for February 2022 and is now cancelled. If you had tickets to those dates we'll be in touch with you directly. Read more about the impact of the COVID-19 Protection Framework here.

50 Dances. 50 Minutes. 50 Way to Leave Your Lover!

Come watch the fast-paced, adrenalin-fuelled comedy dance show of the ages. Brought to you by Dynamotion, the hearts and brains behind hilarious dance shows Top Town and Mia Blonde: The Ice Dagger. 

Choreographers, Tom Sainsbury and Lara Fischel-Chisholm, were spit-balling one day about Paul Simon’s 1976 hit song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. A provocation then emerged. Could they make a 50 minute dance show with 50 dances all inspired by love, losing love, leaving a lover, and of course, Simon and Garfunkel’s iconic feud? They decided they could, and this is the result. 

Come watch their genius play out on stage. It’ll be mental, it’ll be hilarious, it’ll be more intense than a Les Mills Pump Class after a 4-month lockdown. See you there!

“Putting the fun into funk” - NZ Herald 

“Infectious pleasure” - Theatreview

“The dance numbers are terrific… extremely clever and very, very silly” -  Theatrescenes

Summer at Q UoA Acknowledgement - Q Theatre


Dynamotion: Lara Fischel-Chisholm (Choreographer, Dancer, Costumes), Tom Sainsbury (Choreographer, Dancer)

Lara Fischel-Chisholm
Tom Sainsbury
Zak Enayat
Frith Horan
Manu Reynaud

Ava Diakhaby

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