

One’s polyamorous, the second is monogamous, and the third wants an open relationship – it’s the worst kind of love triangle!

$25 - $28 (Service fees may apply)
55 Minutes
Wed 16 - Sat 19 June 8:45 PM

After sell-out seasons in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch in 2020, PLAY returns to Auckland for a limited 4 show run.

Rich is a playwright struggling with modern day dating and commitment. Fear of missing out on the smorgasbord of other delicious men, Rich must come to terms with what he wants and what he thinks he wants.

The Importance of Being Ernest meets HBO’S Looking, PLAY depicts the modern world of gay dating, with all the haughtiness, hilarity, and heartbreak. One’s polyamorous, the second is monogamous, and the third wants an open relationship – it’s the worst kind of love triangle!

A contemporary play set in New Zealand, PLAY promises to be a night of heartfelt laughs, with a side of gut punch.

Is one person ever enough?

Book in to see the Gawky Productions double feature of Play and Lets Get Loco! here.

Directed by: Tom Sainsbury
Written by: Liam Coleman

Alex Walker
Zak Enayat
Liam Coleman

Heads up:
Restricted 16+. This show contains adult themes