
Losing Face - MATCHBOX 2023

On Christmas Eve, a white man and his younger Chinese boyfriend are waiting for the older white man’s half-Chinese daughter to show up. What could go wrong?

$25 - $39 (service fees may apply)
Approx. 80 minutes, no interval
9 - 19 August 2023

PLEASE NOTE: MATCHBOX Season Tickets can also be purchased through the Book Now button above.

If you're not sure which dates you'd like to book for yet click here to book a Flexi-Pass. You'll need to select your date for Losing Face first, and we'll be happy to help you lock in your dates for the last show (Boom Shankar) once you're ready.

On Christmas Eve, a white man and his younger Chinese boyfriend are waiting for the older white man’s half-Chinese daughter to show up. What could go wrong?

Nathan Joe deconstructs the domestic drama into a Groundhog Day-style series of failed reconciliations. A love story grappling with race, sexuality, love and fatherhood. Entertaining, accessible, thought-provoking. 

Starring Andrew Ford, Shervonne Grierson and Danny Lam, this is a contemporary story that speaks to an urban, multi-cultural city with intersections between culture and sexuality. 

Shortlisted for ADAM NZ Playwriting Award 2022.

This show is part of Q Theatre's MATCHBOX 2023 Season, a pillar of Q's annual programme that supports artists and creatives. Click here to read more about MATCHBOX.

MATCHBOX 2023 Logos and Support V4 - Q Theatre


Co-Presented By:  
Punctum Productions and Q Theatre 

Creative Team: 
Writer - Nathan Joe 
Director - Samuel Phillips 
Producer - Nahyeon Lee
Cast/ Assistant Director - Sean Dioneda Rivera
Dramaturg - Jane Yonge
Lighting Design - Jennifer Lal
Set Design - Shan Yu 翁俞珊
Costume and Prop Design - Siobhan (Von) Ridgley
Sound Design - Jason Smith
Intimacy Direction - Todd Emerson
Stage Manager - Ariadne Baltazar
Graphic Design - Tim Wong
Production Manager - Andrew Malmo
Operator - Dan Matthew
Cantonese Translation - Jack Woon
Production Company - Punctum

Additional support provided by: 
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa 

Show programme:

Audience Warnings: 
Recommended for ages 16+. Contains strobing effects, haze, nudity, sex scenes, sexual references, racial and homophobic slurs. Contains references to incest and violence/home invasion.