Introductory interview:
11/04/2022 - Cian Parker - Week one update
WEEK ONE: @qtheatre residency ✅ . Feeling so lucky and grateful for this awesome opportunity. I had a seed of an idea when applying for this residency. The seed has been planted and I can’t wait to watch it grow! If the mural wasn’t clear enough, this project is inspired by the community I grew up in. Melville. So stoked to be able to bring collaborators into this mahi. @mralbertross is on the 🎥 and 🎵yet again. Thank you @kathleennznz for adding to this project today! Exciting stuff!
18/04/2022 Cian Parker - Week two update
WEEK TWO Q Theatre residency ✅
The week of play. Felt so good to be in a theatre space again with fellow artists! Shot @celestedefreido @villalemanu @meganoftheshire @king.ulavale for coming out and jamming some ideas. The best part of making is seeing other artists play in the space. Watching what they bring, and how they conceptualise your ideas.
I feel so lucky to have to opportunity to play, explore, fail, and play all over again. @qtheatre
25/04/2022 - Cian Parker - Week three update
WEEK THREE of Q Theatre residency ✅
It was awesome to get to work with @edskii and @tupua this week. Trying to keep up with those two and throwing random ideas out to see what happens.
I also focused on trying to contextualise some of the material we had been playing with. Which basically resulted in a lot of thinking faces and typing.
Played with a bit of projection with footage shot by @mralbertross of Bader St in Melville. Then the bro @mralbertross came back to make a track for us to play with next week.